Monday, February 26, 2007

Time for grooming the little gizmo

A real couch potatoe, originally uploaded by Crazy Chihuahua.

Smooth Chihuahuas have easy-care, wash and wear coats, so for grooming, they can get by with a quality shampoo that is pH-balanced for dogs, a natural bristle brush, a toothpaste formulated for dogs, a soft toothbrush made for small dogs or human babies, and a doggie nail clipper. Other items like cotton ear swabs are also useful in grooming your little Chi.

Long coated Chis like little Melvin are also easy to maintain, but require a few more things. Both you and your cute chi appreciate a coat conditioner formulated for dogs of course. Besides making his coat a cinch to comb after his shampoo, it keeps it soft and silky. A hard rubber comb is a must for keeping mats out of a Chihuahua’s coat, especially behind the ears. If you don’t use the comb often enough (don’t worry it will only take you a minute or two), you’ll probably need a mat splitter to put your pooch coat back in good condition again.

Don’t buy a nylon or metal comb, or a brush made with anything but natural bristles. Natural products do the least damage to a dog’s coat, and if you comb your dog during the winter with a nylon or metal implement, you’ll probably zap him with static electricity. He’ll hate it and won’t want to be groomed anymore.

Melvin’s shopping list
* PH-balanced shampoo for dogs
* Conditioner for dogs
* Natural bristle brush
* Hard rubber comb
* Toothpaste for dogs
* Toothbrush for small dogs or babies
* Doggie nail clipper
* Cotton Ear Swabs


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god bless!


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