Monday, June 30, 2008

Running in the forrest

Melvin, originally uploaded by janneja.

Normally I am not afraid of anything (almost), but there are to many sounds in the forrest that freak me out... Not like in the city where things are calm :-)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Yup, I am a cutiepie

Melvin, originally uploaded by janneja.

Toyshaking Chihuahua

21102007036, originally uploaded by janneja.

Catfight - playing with Hufsa

A very very short video of me and Hufsa

Eating my toy

Showing off some killer instinct!

My playmate "Hufsa"

Hufsa, originally uploaded by janneja.

This is my funny kitten cousin, that I infact love to play with. She is only five months old, and on this picture she is taking a nap on her mums leg.

Yes I am cute in my new sweather... enough already!

02022008085, originally uploaded by janneja.

Can you see my flag now?

02022008084, originally uploaded by janneja.

Posing in my new sweather!

02022008080, originally uploaded by janneja.

I got a homemade (knitted) sweather from my grandma. To match my feeders that is. It has a Norwegian flag on the back and should fit me well cheering the Norwegian skiers this winter. I am going in the mountain next weekend, and I will be sure to try it out!