Monday, July 2, 2007

Give me the ball!!

Smile, originally uploaded by janneja.

Did I tell you the ball is mine???

The ball is mine!!!, originally uploaded by janneja.

I love this ball :-)

Chew some more, originally uploaded by janneja.

I am not giving it back!!!

Melvin - 1 juli 07 024, originally uploaded by janneja.

The ball is mine now!

Melvin - 1 juli 07 026, originally uploaded by janneja.

Standing still is an artform

Chihuahua artwork, originally uploaded by janneja.

…especially if you are a Chihuahua! Trying to take Melvins picture require patience as he is always on the move and full of energy. Even when he suffers from a cold. The picture turned out pretty blurry but kind of arty :-)