Sunday, March 18, 2007

Finally Spring in Oslo!

We’ve had a lovely spring day in Oslo, 15 degrees Celsius and not a cloud in the sky.
Melvin has been on a long walk (to be him) in the park, and enjoyed him self (shaking from time to time) in the great weather. After all when he came to us 31st of January it was very cold and a lot of snow, it has been that way all trough February too, no wonder he had a good day outside.

My boyfriend just came home from China where he purchased a new camera for us, a Canon Powershot S3 IS, this was the perfect day for testing our new camera.

Both pictures in this blog entry is taken with our new camera.

3 comments: said...


My name is Signe Becker and at the moment I am finishing my master of Design at Kunsthøgskolen in Oslo. One of my ending projects is a fotoshoot that I will have next monday. My problem is, in this fotoshoot I need a chihuahua, and I am looking for someone who can borrow me one for some hours!!
The pictures will be taken by a professional photographer and will be an important part of my final exhibition at Doga (Norsk Design og Arkitektursenter)
I will be very greateful if you can help me, or maybe you know someone else I can ask??
Fingers crossed! -Signe : )

inOslo said...

Hi Signe,

That sounds fun! If the time fits my schedule I will participate for the sake of art :-) Just send me your contact details so that we can make an appointment. said...

Hi again!
I am glad to hear from you, but sorry to tell that I found someone with a chihuahua yesterday night,
but thank you anyway! Say hello to your doggi,))